Sunday 11 December 2011

Importance of typography

Use of typography is everywhere, literally. It identifies the films we are watching and generally sets the theme of the film. Typography, defined as the art of arranging type, exists to provide somewhat of a structure to how we display words and numbers.
It can easily be argued that typography is taken for granted in our fast-paced culture, just as good design often is taken for granted. That’s exactly why it works. Well arranged type (in addition to well executed design) will not necessarily be noticed by the general public or audience of a particular advertisement or graphic piece–the ad will simply appeal to its audience as is intended.
Good design hinges on good typography, in many cases. It’s not often that you find effective advertising graphics that use absolutely no type. Even in the simplest of cases, a word or phrase provides a direction for an advertisement in relation to the other elements that exist within it.

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