Sunday 4 December 2011

Homework- Film titles similar to ours.

For this piece of work it was very difficult to find film titles similar to ours as film titles are not usually focused on for comedy films.
       NonethelessI had picked up on this title sequence. It is similar to the film our group will be creating because for these opening titles this film has used animation to create a comedy feel to the film to reveal to the audience what genre it will be straight away. The typography is great as it is quite bold and comical, this also connotes that this will be a comedy film.
       Even though right at the beginning of this film it has straight away signalled that it is a comedy it has successfully managed to hide the story behind it allowing the audience to find out what really happens in the film to determine whether this man succeeds or not. This means that from the title sequence itself the story has already created a narrative enigma for the audience.
       Overall I think this is a good title sequence which is quite similar to our film. I felt that it was difficult to find opening titles as good as this to make a study on and I am pleased with the outcome on this analysis.

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