Friday, 23 March 2012

Feedback on initial screening for our title sequence

      During this lesson we each looked at our groups title sequences. We each had an analysis sheet where we simply at to write down the positives, negatives and possible improvements for our title sequences. After the lesson we all took the analysis sheets and then slightly re-editied the parts that needed tweaking in order for us to make our title sequence as sharp as possible.
        We recieved a lot of positive feedack and our classmates thought our title sequence was attractive and overall pretty solid. We were complimented on a lot of things such as our use of typography and music. There were not many negatives but the ones we received were something we were cappable of accomplishing.
      One negative was that our titles were too small and were not entirely visible, to change this we would simply have to go back to the editing and enlarge them so that they are clear and so that they're not too big so that they go out of the boundry of the frame i.e a bottle. Another improvement was to cut down the length of some shots as some went on for a second too long, this meant we had to look caregfully during editing to ensure that we cut the shots down the right size without cutting out any bits of film.

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